Saturday, September 10, 2011

Asphyxia and Grimstones

Hello munchkins,

Have you ever heard of Asphyxia? No not the fatal kind, this kind, the inspiring kind
This is Asphyxia, one of Australia's most prominent deaf performers. She has experience in ballet and circus performance. She now tours with the performing troupe, The Grimstones and their puppeteering show. The show includes an incorporation of signing (Auslan), music, voice and puppets and captions in the style of silent films. The decidedly Tim-Burtonesque show is visually stunning. Take a look at the video of The Grimstones first story.
Currently on an international tour, Asphyxia hand crafts the puppets and scenery of the shows. In her 'about me' page on The Grimstones website she states that "Nothing in the world gives me greater pleasure than creating things - whether by stitching, performing, drawing, sculpting, writing or building.". Her energy and passion for performing has led to her a valuable love of integration between the performer and the performance and also deaf and hearing culture. Again from her 'about me' page is a beautiful summary of her goals as a deaf person working in theatre;

As a Deaf artist, Asphyxia creates works that reflect and strengthen Deaf culture and values - providing positive modelling and validation for Deaf audiences. She provides education about Deaf culture and lifestyle to hearing audiences.

I fully believe that this is reflected in her work and can be seen even in the clip above as the characters accept the 3 legged baby for who he is. Her latest work Mortimer Revealed is currently touring. For more information and to see some more of the stunning visuals head over to

Well enough from me atm, ttyl bff.

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